Sustainability Transformations: Walkable Suburbs, Environmental Justice Advocacy, Ecovillage Adaptations, Grass Lawns, and Fashion
Thu, April 11, 9:00 to 10:30am, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 305Session Type: Symposium
This symposium will present and discuss five papers on the theme of environmental education from multiple perspectives. Topics include: citizen involvement in creating walkable suburbs; environmental justice advocacy in an impacted neighborhood; the adaptation of ecovillage practices for urban sustainability; the negative impacts of monoculture grass lawns; and the role of socioeconomic factors in sustainable fashion choices. All papers aim to address educational and sustainability issues through various approaches and solutions. This collection of papers are part of the New Jersey Scholars Program (NJSP), a five-week, highly selective summer program for rising seniors throughout the state of New Jersey. Following a general introduction of NJSP, each Scholar will present their papers — the remaining time will be dedicated to open discussion.
Sub Unit
How Citizens Can Create Walkable Suburbs: An Examination of Local Policy Advocacy and Individual Initiatives - Subhronil Mukherjee, New Jersey Scholars Program
Activism Inspiring Action: The Struggle for Environmental Justice in the Ironbound Neighborhood, Newark, New Jersey - Garrett Heffern, New Jersey Scholars Program
Adapting Ecovillage Practices to Urban Areas for Sustainable Development - Bronwyn Rose Rafieyan, New Jersey Scholars Program
Monoculture Uniformity: The American Plight of Grass Lawns - Jessica Jabbour
Examination of the Shift to Sustainability in Fashion - Keira Peters, Children’s Corner