Advancing Latino/a/e STEM Education Research in Hispanic-Serving Institutions
Thu, April 11, 4:20 to 5:50pm, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 302Session Type: Symposium
This symposium provides an in-depth examination of Latino/a/e students' STEM experiences in Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). HSIs play an important role in graduating Latino/a/e students in STEM programs and preparing students for graduate programs. However, less is known about Latino/a/e students' STEM experiences in HSIs. The symposium will focus on four scholars from HSIs and their unique research findings on Latino/a/e STEM undergraduates and graduate students, addressing HSI STEM learning environments, Latina engineering identity, trajectories of Latino/a/e students pursuing computer science degrees, and Latina resilience strategies navigating STEM. Collectively, the scholars' research advances our understanding of the social challenges and strategies Latino/a/e students utilize within STEM fields in HSIs.
Sub Unit
“A Latina Can Be an Engineer”: Latinas' Experiences in Engineering at a Hispanic-Serving Institution - Janeth Martinez-Cortes, University of Texas - San Antonio
Navigating Unimagined Dreams: The Experiences of Latino/a/e Graduate Students in Computing at a Hispanic-Serving Institution - Jessica Rivera, University of Texas - San Antonio
Racism or Misunderstanding? Latino/a/e STEM Students' Experiences With the STEM Learning Environment in an Emerging HSI - Katherine Arias Garcia, University of California, Irvine
How Do Latina STEM Majors Succeed in a Hispanic-Serving Institution? Resilience Strategies in STEM Spaces - Emma Claudia Perez, Texas A&M University; Elsa M. Gonzalez, National Science Foundation; Isabella Sanchez Hernandez, University of Houston