Offerings of Love and Accountability: Cultivating Empathy Through Loss and Grief
Thu, April 11, 10:50am to 12:20pm, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 412Session Type: Symposium
This session is composed of scholars and practitioners committed to cultivating and sustaining equity, empathy, racial justice, and liberation in education. Papers address the need to develop spaces that center grief and healing as a response to the many losses we continue to experience during the COVID-19 pandemic, with seldom to no institutional support. We present research and practitioner perspectives on the importance of (1) upholding Indigenous practices, (2) developing third spaces to continuously inform our praxis and pedagogies, and (3) creating spaces where we can learn how to tend to our grief and healing alongside our students. As a collective, we offer humanizing ways to disrupt racial injustice in and outside of educational spaces.
Sub Unit
ATANG: An Offering to Our Grief and Healing Through the Pandemic - Arlene S. Daus-Magbual, San Francisco State University
PEP PODS: Pin@y Educational Partnerships’ Praxis-Oriented Development Series - Lauren Arzaga Daus, University of California - Los Angeles; Jocyl Sacramento, California State University - East Bay
Offering Cempasúchil: Grief Pedagogies for Ourselves and Our Students - Sharim Hannegan-Martinez, University of Michigan