Critical Sociotechnical Perspectives on Young People Using, Experiencing, and Making Sense of AI (Table 17)
Thu, April 11, 2:30 to 4:00pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BSession Type: Roundtable Session
The recent unveiling of chatbots such as ChatGPT has catalyzed vigorous debates about generative AI’s impact on how learners read, write, and communicate. Largely missing from these debates has been careful consideration of how young people are experiencing AI in their everyday lives and how they are making sense of the questions that these rapidly evolving cultural tools raise about equity, ethics, power, and civic participation. This symposium brings together three methodologically diverse papers that contribute to burgeoning critical sociotechnical research on AI and literacies through a shared focus on how youth are using, experiencing, and making sense of AI in the context of their everyday lives and in the context of complex digital ecologies
Sub Unit
Jennifer Higgs, University of California - Davis
José Ramón Lizárraga, University of Colorado - Boulder
Digital Enclosures in Education and Youth Marginalization - Roberto de Roock, University of California - Santa Cruz; Emanuel Suarez Jimenez, University of California - Santa Cruz
Being Human in the Age of Generative AI: Young People’s Ethical Concerns About Writing and Living With Machines - Jennifer Higgs, University of California - Davis; Amy Stornaiuolo, University of Pennsylvania
Speculative Frictions: Literacy, AI, and Civic Imagination - Alexandra Thrall, Baylor University; T. Philip Nichols, Baylor University; Kevin R. Magill, Baylor University