Biographical Authorship and Contestation of Institutional Construction of Disability at Raced Intersections
Sat, April 13, 11:25am to 12:55pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 111BSession Type: Paper Session
Drawing from the biographies and stories of those most impacted, youth and their families, this session includes papers concerned with the ways in which institutional tools have been used to assign treatment and ascribe special education labels and placement onto youth of color.
Sub Unit
Cognitive Diversity in Youth Impacted by the Carceral System: A Case Study Centering Youth Experiences With Disability and Education - Cynthia Valencia-Ayala, University of California - San Francisco; Michelle V. Porche, University of California - San Francisco
Barriers to Inclusion and Equity: A Mother-Son Critical Reflection and Lessons Learned - Caroline Torres, Kapiolani Community College; Kai Torres, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
An Interdisciplinary Study of Larry P. v. Riles: The Mutual Tuning of Biographical, Legal, and Institutional Trajectories - Alfredo J. Artiles, Stanford University; Michael Hines, Stanford University; LaToya Baldwin Clark, University of California - Los Angeles; Ayan Ali, Stanford University; Gabriela López, Stanford University; Leora Romney, Independent Scholar
DisCrit Solidarity as Politics of Refusal in the Higher Education Classroom - Claudia Chiang-López, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Anna Acha, University of California - Riverside; Danielle Mireles, University of Nevada - Las Vegas
“I’m His Mouthpiece”: Black Mothers Educating Sons at the Intersection of Race, Class, and Autism - Jeannine E. Dingus-Eason, Rider University