Race, Racism, Representation, and the Politics of Reading (Table 30)
Sat, April 13, 9:35 to 11:05am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BSession Type: Roundtable Session
Sub Unit
Reading the Science of Reading: Curriculum, Politics, and White Supremacy - Timothy J. Lensmire, University of Minnesota
Redefinition: A Case for New York State Pre-K–12 Black Studies - Alprentice McCutchen, City School District of New Rochelle
Time-Traveling Horses and Unexpected Readers: Rush Limbaugh’s Historical Fiction and the White Supremacist Blueprint - Noreen Naseem Rodriguez, Michigan State University; Andrea M. Hawkman, Rowan University; Sarah B. Shear, University of Washington - Bothell; Acelynn C Perkins, University of Colorado Boulder