More-Than-Human Matterings and Curricular Troublings, (Re)Centerings, and Noticings
Thu, April 11, 9:00 to 10:30am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115ASession Type: Paper Session
Sub Unit
Affect(ing) the Representational Logics of Teacher Education: Getting “Stuck” in Social Justice - Erica Eva Colmenares, San Jose State University; Scott Jarvie, San Jose State University
Troubling Exclusionary Normativities: Thinking Queerly About Curriculum in Elite Boys’ Schooling - Claire Charles, Deakin University; Adam Howard, Colby College
What Are We Going to Do? Recentering With Janet Miller for the More-Than-Human - Peter M. Appelbaum, Arcadia University
The Politics of Body, Life, and the Hijab: Norms of Convivencia as Practices of Abjection - Belén Hernando-Lloréns, University of Iowa
Curricular Emergence: Relational Noticings That Matter - Alycia M. Elfreich, Montana State University