Spatial Innovations in Grounded Theory, Case Study, and Ethnography (Table 23)
Thu, April 11, 10:50am to 12:20pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BSession Type: Roundtable Session
This roundtable unpacks the work of space as identity, place, virtual, and geography in case studies, grounded theory, and ethnography.
Sub Unit
Leveraging Qualitative Case Study Methodology to Critically Study Whiteness - Lauren N. Irwin, University of Tennessee; Zak Foste, University of Kansas
Interviewee Agency in Online Qualitative Research: A Reflection on the Innovative Use of Online Platforms - Dongni Guo, University at Albany - SUNY; Roberto Lima de Moraes Ramos, University at Albany - SUNY; Carla Meskill, University at Albany - SUNY
How to Site Youth Ethnographies in High-Opportunity Neighborhoods in the United States - Trevor Auldridge-Reveles, University of California - Santa Barbara
Nuancing Rurality Using Critical Realist Grounded Theory and Journey Mapping - Kamia F Slaughter, Indiana University; Nicholas Smith, Auburn University