Crafting Mixed-Methods Research Designs for Unique Educational Contexts and Purposes (Table 4)
Sat, April 13, 7:45 to 9:15am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BSession Type: Roundtable Session
The papers in this session discuss the use of mixed methods to understand students' experiences in a variety of traditional and non-traditional educational contexts.
As a collection, they discuss the importance of theoretical framing, sampling, and integrating to produce high-quality meta-inferences.
Sub Unit
Extensive Support Needs and Mixed-Methods Research: A Systematic Literature Review Across Education Subfields - Carly A. Roberts, University of Washington; Melinda R. Snodgrass, Illinois State University; Hailey Love, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Natalie Badgett, University of Utah; Carly B. Gilson, The Ohio State University; Xueyan Yang, National Institute of Education - Nanyang Technological University; Jeremy M. Peterson, Illinois State University
Backtracking Middle Technicians: Exploring College-to-Career Success Among Two-Year Information Technology Degree Holders - Faye R. Jones, Florida State University; Marcia Mardis, Florida State University
Mixing Research and Religion: Findings and Methodological Insights From an Exploratory Sequential Mixed-Methods Study - Robert B. Donmoyer, University of San Diego; Fred Galloway, University of San Diego; Robert Ehnow, Catholic Diocese of San Diego; Craig Goodman; Robert W. McElroy, Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego
Sampling in Mixed-Methods Special Education Research: Challenges, Considerations, and Recommendations for the Field - Analay Perez, University of Michigan; Timothy Guetterman, University of Michigan