Learning and Motivation in Social and Cultural Contexts 2
Sat, April 13, 9:35 to 11:05am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall ASession Type: Poster Session
Sub Unit
1. The Achievement Composition Effect in Language Learning: The Moderating Role of Age and Engagement Outcomes (Poster 1) - Norman B. Mendoza, The Education University of Hong Kong; Artem Zadorozhnyy, The Education University of Hong Kong; John Ian Wilzon Tolentino Dizon, University of Hong Kong
2. The Fluidity of Expectancy-Value Effects Across Cultures: An Approach of Three-Level SEM With Random Slopes (Poster 2) - Yuyang Cai, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics; Jia Lin, Howard University
3. The Influence of Racial Stereotypes on Evaluating Moves Played by Black or White Chess Players (Poster 3) - Remigius M. Rikers, University College Roosevelt; Ivette Marielle Duker, Utrecht University; Sofie Loyens, Utrecht University
4. The Role of Classroom Goal Structures in Adolescent Students’ Academic Outcomes: Expectancy-Value Beliefs as Mediators (Poster 4) - Linjia Zhang, East China Normal University; Yi Jiang, East China Normal University
5. The Role of Perceived Teacher Enthusiasm on Girls’ Enjoyment and Anxiety in Mathematics and Science (Poster 5) - Emma Conor Burns, Macquarie University; Katrina Thorvaldson, Macquarie University; Penny Van Bergen, University of Wollongong
6. Understanding Chinese Students’ Classroom Relationships in English Language Learning: The Role of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) and Emotions (Poster 6) - Qingyao Dan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Barry Bai, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Jing Wang, Zhejiang University; Wenjuan Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Youyan Nie, National Institute of Education - Nanyang Technological University; Huan Song, Beijing Normal University
7. Understanding the Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Academic Achievement of Chinese Adolescents: The Role of Student Engagement (Poster 7) - Fang Xu, University of Oxford
8. Who Gets More Benefit From Sexual Health Education and When? (Poster 8) - Hyun Ji Lee, The Ohio State University; August Masonheimer, The Ohio State University; Eric M. Anderman, The Ohio State University
9. Determinants (Motivation and Perceptions) of English Learners’ Continuance Intention and English Writing in Online Learning (Poster 9) - Barry Bai, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Jing Wang, Zhejiang University; Qingyao Dan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Jing Li, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Huixuan Zhou, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Bin Shen, Fuzhou University; Huan Song, Beijing Normal University
10. Enhancing Academic Achievement Among Chilean Students: The Role of Strategic Mindset and Parental Involvement (Poster 10) - Miranda G. Goldstein, University of California - Irvine; Macarena Santana, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile; Susana Claro, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Patricia Chen, University of Texas at Austin
11. A Situated Expectancy-Value Approach to Understanding Indian and American Adolescents’ Science Attitudes and Beliefs (Poster 11) - Khushboo S. Patel, University of Louisville; Judith H Danovitch, University of Louisville; Allison Master, University of Houston