Posthuman Pedagogies of Resistance and Possibility (Table 30)
Sat, April 13, 1:15 to 2:45pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BSession Type: Roundtable Session
The three papers in this session explore pedagogies employing posthuman and postfoundational concepts in teacher development, classroom, and out-of-school contexts.
Sub Unit
Speculative Critical Pedagogy: From Cultural to Ontological Politics - Tristan G. Gleason, California State Polytechnic University - Humboldt; Asilia K. Franklin-Phipps, SUNY - College at New Paltz
Protest Walking as Antiracist Pedagogy - Angela Molloy Murphy, University of Melbourne
Penny for Your Thoughts: Confessional Discourse as Exchange for Educational Gain - Cara Elizabeth Furman, Hunter College - CUNY