Equity, Inclusion, and Ethics in Engineering and Computing Education
Sat, April 13, 9:35 to 11:05am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 102ABSession Type: Paper Session
This collection of research papers examines the diverse experiences and challenges faced by engineering and computing students from varied backgrounds. A focus is on the funds of knowledge of migratory engineering students and the cultural confrontations faced by Latino/a/x students in engineering. Papers also offer insights into the youth's perspective on ethical dimensions and power dynamics in technology as well as efforts to combat racism within the tech education sector. Finally, challenges and solutions are explored for educators aiming to provide culturally relevant computer science instructional materials.
Sub Unit
Examining Engineering Migratory Students’ Funds of Knowledge: Uncovering Interpersonal Skills Needed in Engineering - Ulises Juan Trujillo Garcia, Arizona State University - Polytechnic; Dina Verdin, Arizona State University
Nepantla in Engineering: Latino/a/x Students Confronting Normative Gender and Ethnic Expectations in Engineering Spaces - Joel Alejandro Mejia, University of Cincinnati
Youth Perspectives on Tech Power, Ethics, and Culturally Responsive Computing - Jean J. Ryoo, University of California - Los Angeles; Takeria Blunt, University of California - Los Angeles
Fighting Racism Inside Tech: Illuminating the Knowledge and Pedagogical Actions of Antiracist Secondary School Teachers - Shaun de Vera, California State University - Sacramento
Supporting Computer Science Teachers to Customize Culturally Relevant Instructional Materials: Challenges and Iteratively Designed Solutions - Heather Killen, University at Buffalo - SUNY; Minh Tran, University of Chicago; Jen Palmer, University of Chicago; Diana Franklin, University of Chicago; David Weintrop, University of Maryland