Justice-Oriented Practices and Racial Justice in Teacher Education
Sat, April 13, 1:15 to 2:45pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 104BSession Type: Paper Session
Sub Unit
New Teachers and Mr. Tyler: Struggles and Recalibrations of Justice and Activist Teaching - Brian C. Gibbs, Georgia College & State University; Kristin L. Papoi, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Transformative vs. Performative: Positioning Teacher Educators in the Development of Culturally Responsive Teaching Standards - Meghan A. Kessler, Illinois State University
Ungrading in Teacher Education: A Pedagogical Tool to Promote Equity, Justice, and Deeper Learning - Carol M. Adams, Seattle University; Ana M. Rivero Arias, Seattle University
Exploring the Role of Creative Assessment in Students’ Understandings of Diversity - Saesaem Yoon, University of Washington - Tacoma; Marina Basu, Arizona State University