Examining Varied Educational Contexts and Communities From Multiple Perspectives
Thu, April 11, 9:00 to 10:30am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall ASession Type: Poster Session
Sub Unit
39. Beyond the Brochure: How Experiential Marketing Shapes Perceptions of School Attractiveness in Urban Areas (Poster 39) - Chun Sing Maxwell Ho, The Education University of Hong Kong; Jiafang Lu, The Education University of Hong Kong
40. Challenges With Embracing Tension for Equitable Collaboration in Family-School Partnerships (Poster 40) - Adam M. Lara, University of California - Irvine
41. “If You're Leading and Nobody's Following, You Just a Man Taking a Walk”: Leading for Racial Justice in Education (Poster 41) - Joy Howard, Appalachian State University
42. The Refugee Context and Acculturation Into U.S. Schools and the Community (Poster 42) - Sami Jabarkhail, Texas A&M University; Jean Madsen, Texas A&M University
43. Trips to Communion: A Systematic Review of Field Trip and Its Possibility in Preschool (Poster 43) - Yanjun Yang, Aspirational Kindergarten
44. Exploring Teacher Collaborative Change: Professional Learning Networks in Taiwan (Poster 44) - Nien-ching Michelle Chuang, National Pingtung University; Su-Ching Lai, University of Taipei; Yi-Ku Ting, University of Taipei
45. Making It! How Primary School Students Overcome the Odds at an Elite Traditional High School (Poster 45) - Lavare Henry, Campion College
46. Teacher Education, Civics, and the Common Good: A Contemporary Approach to Civics Education (Poster 46) - David J. Roof, Ball State University; Trygve Throntveit, Minnesota Humanities Center
47. Youth Soccer Coaches’ Resilience Narrative: A Source of Empowerment or a Double-Edged Sword? (Poster 47) - Reut Liraz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Ori Eyal, Hebrew University of Jerusalem