Investigating the Lived Policy Experiences of Teachers and Administrators (Table 23)
Thu, April 11, 12:40 to 2:10pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BSession Type: Roundtable Session
Sub Unit
Care Ethics, Social Reproduction, and Intensification: A Framework for Control and Oppression in Teachers' Work - Janel Anderson, Gonzaga University
Coming to Education: A Study Exploring the Lives, Careers, and Impact of Black Male Educators - Jesse Bulluck, KIPP Halifax College Prep School
Is Principal Sorting a Global Phenomenon? Evidence From TALIS 2018 - Minseok Yang, University of Missouri; Ho Jun Lee, Cheongju National University of Education
Teachers and Their Served Communities: Effects on Racial Disparities in In-School Suspension - Jin Lee, University of Louisiana at Lafayette; Shannon Barrett Crumlish, University of Louisiana at Lafayette; Roslin E. Growe, University of Louisiana at Lafayette