Teacher Noticing, Language of Thinking, and Pedagogical Expertise in Mathematics (Table 34)
Sat, April 13, 7:45 to 9:15am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BSession Type: Roundtable Session
Sub Unit
Accessing the Language of Thinking: Teachers’ Perceptions of the Impact of Self-Talk Cards on Student Learning in Elementary Mathematics - Cathy Marks Krpan, University of Toronto - OISE; Gurpreet Sahmbi, University of Toronto - OISE
Extending Teacher Noticing Frameworks to Conceptualize Content-Based Teacher Noticing - Robyn K. Pinilla, University of Texas - El Paso; Sam Prough, University of Delaware; Murphy Young, University of Iowa
Supporting Preservice Teachers’ Skill of Crafting a Pedagogical Response That Builds on Children’s Mathematical Thinking - Burcu Alapala, University of Missouri; Hala N. Ghousseini, University of Wisconsin - Madison