Narrative-Inquiry Research Methodology in Online Educational Settings
Thu, April 11, 9:00 to 10:30am, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 1Session Type: Paper Session
Sub Unit
A Longitudinal Narrative Inquiry on Three ESL (English as a Second Language) Learners’ Agency in Online Tutoring - Kevin Yung, The Education University of Hong Kong; Siu-hang Kong, Education University of Hong Kong; Natalie Fong, University of Hong Kong
Finding a Safe Space: A Narrative Inquiry of Sexual and Gender Minority Online Graduate Students - Amber Jayne Alexander, University of Nebraska - Kearney
Humanized Online Pedagogy: Playing a Way Through Tension - Stephanie Rollag Yoon, Minnesota State University - Mankato; Jana Lo Bello Miller, University of Minnesota; Staci Gilpin, University of North Dakota; Mary F. Rice, University of New Mexico