Exploring the Continuum of Reflection: From College to the Field
Thu, April 11, 12:40 to 2:10pm, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon ISession Type: Paper Session
Sub Unit
Reflecting Broadly and Deeply in Experiential Learning Portfolios - Dusti M Ingles, Iowa State University; Michael Steven Retallick, Iowa State University
Let’s Get Critical: Exploring Critical Reflection Integration With Integrated Arts Experiences in Initial Teacher Education - Michael M. Flannery, Dublin City University; Mary Nugent, Marino Institute of Education; Frances Burgess, St. Mary's University - Belfast; Denise Elliot, Stranmillis University College
Systematic Review: Bridging the Gap With Critical Reflection in Instructional Design and Faculty Collaboration - Jennifer Miyake-Trapp, Pepperdine University; Sohee Linda Lee, Pepperdine University; Elias Saade, Pepperdine University
School Administrators’ Perceptions of Electronic Portfolios and the Hiring of K–12 Teachers - Alice Cahill, University of Nebraska - Kearney; Rebecca M. Nelson, University of Nebraska - Kearney; Phu Vu, University of Nebraska - Kearney; Jane Strawhecker, University of Nebraska - Kearney
Critical Reflection for Transformative Praxis: A Longitudinal Study of Community Teachers - Katrina Liu, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Richard C. Miller, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Arnetha F. Ball, Stanford University; Mayra Marquez-Mendez, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Milly Joyner, University of Nevada - Las Vegas