Exploring Digital Tools for Writing (Table 22)
Thu, April 11, 4:20 to 5:50pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BSession Type: Roundtable Session
Sub Unit
AI in Higher Education: University Students' Engagement With Chatbots and Literacy Impact - Shahin Hossain, University of Maryland - Baltimore County; Shapla Khanam, Help University
How Is CHatGPT Changing the Way Students Write? An AI-Enabled Investigation - Sarah W. Beck, New York University; Sarah Levine, Stanford University; Christopher Mah, Stanford University; Jaylen Pittman, Stanford University; Lena Phalen, Stanford University
Not All Writing Is Created Equal: Third-Graders’ Online Collaborative Writing Across Tools and Genres - Amanda Yoshiko Shimizu, Vanderbilt University
Beyond Paper and Pencil: Elementary Teachers’ Perspectives on Integrating Technology Into Writing Instruction - Megumi Takada, Stanford University; Rebecca Silverman, Stanford University; Rebecca R. Deutscher, Stanford University