Educators Working to Dismantle Oppressive Structures and Enacting Radical Activism and Pedagogies (Table 33)
Thu, April 11, 10:50am to 12:20pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BSession Type: Roundtable Session
Sub Unit
Enacting Radically Inclusive Teaching With Newcomer and Emergent Plurilingual Students: Learning From Teacher Researchers - Alison G. Dover, California State University - Fullerton; Fernando Rodriguez-Valls, California State University - Fullerton; Renae L. Bryant, Anaheim Union High School District
How Teachers of Color Promote Racial Justice in Activist Organizations: The Power of Germinal Networks - Kira J. Baker-Doyle, University of Illinois at Chicago; Lynnette K. Mawhinney, Rutgers University - Newark
NYCoRE’s Inquiry to Action Groups: Developing Political Education Toward Liberatory Futures in Education - Jennifer Queenan, Graduate Center - CUNY; Natalia Ortiz, New York University; Pamela Segura
Teacher Candidates’ Attempts to Implement Anti-Ableist Pedagogy and the Constraints Therein - Benjamin Barnett-Perry, University of Washington