Foregrounding the Importance of Chinese Language, Cultural Heritage, and Lived Experiences (Table 21)
Thu, April 11, 10:50am to 12:20pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BSession Type: Roundtable Session
Sub Unit
“Asians Are at the Bottom of the Society”: Chinese International Students’ Perspectives on Asian Americans - Jing Yu, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Commitment to Developing Chinese Language in the United States: Immigrant Chinese Families' Experiences and Opinions - Xiaoyi Wei, City College of New York - CUNY
Culturally Congruent Coping With Discrimination and Long-Term Impacts on Chinese American Youths' Education, Career, and Mental Health - Danni Li, Texas A&M University; Jeffrey Liew, Texas A&M University; Lisa Kiang, Wake Forest University