Charting the Contours of Transition: Exploring Postsecondary Possibilities for People Who Identify as Disabled (Table 5)
Thu, April 11, 2:30 to 4:00pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BSession Type: Roundtable Session
Sub Unit
Charna D'Ardenne, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Sarah Young, Trinity Washington University
Challenging Invisibility and Restoring Hope Through the Voice of Transition-Age Youths With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Homelessness - Yehyang Lee, Illinois State University; Natasha M. Strassfeld, University of Texas at Austin; Sharon Choi, University of Texas at Austin; Sumaita Choudhury, University of Texas at Austin; Stacey Stevens Manser, University of Texas at Austin
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences of Disabled College Graduates - Adam Moore, University of Rhode Island; Annemarie Vaccaro, University of Rhode Island
Overcoming Orientation Obstacles: Improving Disability Service Orientation Programs to Promote Access and Understanding Among Disabled Students Transitioning to College - Sarah Young, Trinity Washington University
What Do Young Korean Adults Labeled With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Have to Say About Important Things in Their Adult Lives? - Eunyoung Jung, SUNY - College at Cortland; Ji-Ryun Kim, SUNY - College at Cortland
Working to Work: Resources Students With Intellectual Disability Use to Gain Employment - Katie E. Ducett, SUNY - College at Cortland; Beth Myers, Syracuse University