Avenues of Professional Development
Sat, April 13, 3:05 to 4:35pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 104ASession Type: Paper Session
Sub Unit
Dismantling Racism and Ableism Through Professional Development: A Critical Curriculum Analysis - Hailey Love, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Moving Toward “Culturally Aware and Responsive Staff and Practices” in Teacher Use of Trauma-Informed Practices - Kate Belinda Eastman, Macquarie University
Successful Lesson Development: Challenges and Obstacles for Teachers - Tobias Hackenberg, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Using Facebook to Understand the Science of Reading - Erica M. Barnes, University at Albany - SUNY; Jaime Lynn Puccioni, University at Albany - SUNY; Abigail Ferris, University at Albany - SUNY