Impacts of Faculty Development
Sat, April 13, 7:45 to 9:15am, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 408Session Type: Paper Session
Sub Unit
Boosting Motivation and Well-Being in Early Career Academics: Contrasting Interpersonal vs. Intrapersonal Interventions - Meiting Chen, McGill University; Nathan C. Hall, McGill University
Faculty Perceptions of the Impact of Professional Development on Online Teaching Practices - Katia Ciampa, Widener University; Zora Wolfe, Widener University
Motivation is Important. . . . What Now? Examining Faculty Perceptions of Research Motivation and Productivity Interventions - Robert H. Stupnisky, University of North Dakota; Muhammad Salahuddin, University of North Dakota; Nathan C. Hall, McGill University
Realizing Faculty Potential: Impacts of Faculty Development on Faculty’s Mindsets and Self-Efficacy - Theo Pippins, Association of College and University Educators; Paloma Benavides, ACUE; Elizabeth K. Lawner, Association of College and University Educators; Meghan Snow, Association of College and University Educators; Sarah Victoria Diehl, The Association of College and University Educators