Affirming Cultural Responsiveness in the Growing Age of Anti–Cultural Responsiveness (Table 3)
Thu, April 11, 12:40 to 2:10pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BSession Type: Roundtable Session
Sub Unit
Exploring Barriers: Latina Students, Science Education, and the Impact of School Culture on Identity - Jaquelina Schmittlen-Garbocci, University of Tennessee
Exploring Co-Generative Dialogues as a CRSE (Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education) Framework During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Edmund S. Adjapong, Seton Hall University; Joshua W. Modeste, Teachers College, Columbia University
Portraits of School-Based YPAR (Youth Participatory Action Research) Teachers: Examining the Dispositions of YPAR Teachers in Four High Schools - Molly Buckley-Marudas, Cleveland State University; Adam Voight, Cleveland State University; Rosalinda Godinez, Cleveland State University; Katelyne Griffin-Todd, Cleveland State University; Amirhassan Javadi, Cleveland State University
Teach for America STEM Teachers: Efficacy and Empathy in Enacting Cultural Responsiveness in Urban Classrooms - Johnitha Watkins Johnson, Southern Methodist University; Karla Del Rosal, Southern Methodist University