Qualitative Research SIG Poster Session
Sat, April 13, 9:35 to 11:05am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall ASession Type: Poster Session
Sub Unit
29. From Theory to Practice: Usability and Real-World Applications of the Learning Resources Rubric (Poster 29) - Lei Wang, Auburn University - Montgomery; Tiffany A. Koszalka, Syracuse University
30. Exploring the Emotional Labor Experiences of Rural Novice Teachers in China: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (Poster 30) - Xv Liu, Hunan Normal University; Shuqin Li, Hunan Normal University; Luqing Zang, Michigan State University
31. Building Equitable Relationships Asynchronously Online Using a Rogerian Approach: A Qualitative Journey Through “Messy Concepts” (Poster 31) - Jennifer L. Martin, University of Illinois at Springfield