Interdisciplinary Decolonial Theories, Pedagogies, and Praxes (Table 21)
Sat, April 13, 1:15 to 2:45pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BSession Type: Roundtable Session
Sub Unit
Decoloniality and School Leadership: Leading Change in a Different Way - Ann E. Lopez, University of Toronto - OISE
An Emergent Epistemic Framework for Insurgent Educators: A Grounded Theory to Decolonize Texas Humanities Curricula - Kelsey Leigh Stokes, Baylor University; Tony Lee Talbert, Baylor University
Contending With Mathematics: Fractals of Social Hierarchies - Briana Rodriguez, University of Pittsburgh
Decolonizing the Business School: Is Reconstruction Through Protest Possible? - Cyrill Agnes Walters, Stellenbosch University; Armand Bam, Stellenbosch University
Refusal of Neoliberal Logics in Faculty Socialization: The Better Together Learning Community (BTLC) as a Form of Co-Resistance on the Tenure Track - Cynthia D. Villarreal, Northern Arizona University; Darold H. Joseph, Northern Arizona University; Na Young Kong, Northern Arizona University; Megan McCoy, Northern Arizona University; Cole Joslyn, Northern Arizona University; Kara Ahearn, Northern Arizona University; Alma Montemayor Sandigo, Northern Arizona University - Yuma; Catharyn Crane Shelton, Northern Arizona University; Christine Keller Lemley, Northern Arizona University; Ishmael Munene, Northern Arizona University