The Work of Teachers, Teacher Organizations, and Unions (Table 12)
Sat, April 13, 11:25am to 12:55pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BSession Type: Roundtable Session
Sub Unit
Alliances, Assemblages, and Affect: Teacher Activists’ Perceptions of Union and Grassroots Activism Through Photo Elicitation - Trudy Lynn Keil, University of Regina
“Building a Social Justice Movement, City by City”: United Caucuses of Rank-and-File Educators (UCORE) and the Movement for Social Justice Unionism - Lauren Ware Stark, Université de Sherbrooke
Experiences of Teachers With Mental Health Issues and Workplace Accommodations - Kristen Anne Ferguson, Nipissing University; Christine Tulk, Carleton University; Melissa Corrente, University of Ottawa; Ivy Bourgeault, University of Ottawa
School Leadership and Teacher Job Satisfaction - Robert E. Shockley, Florida Atlantic University; Siaw Yan Li, University of Malaya; Michael DeDonno, Florida Atlantic University; Mounir Bourkiza, Florida Atlantic University
Social Reproductive Workers Strike Back: Social Reproduction Feminism and Teachers’ Work - Riley Collins, University of California - Santa Cruz