Equity-Oriented Improvement Approaches in Diverse Educational Settings: Insights From England, California, and Beyond
Thu, April 11, 4:20 to 5:50pm, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon ISession Type: Paper Session
The past decade has witnessed a surge in the use of improvement science methods within educational networks and partnerships to enhance educational outcomes. The papers in this session highlight advances in the evolving field of improvement science presenting systematic analysis of the perspectives of those actively involved in improvement efforts, across multiple settings, with the goal of enhancing the capacity to shape new educational realities.
Sub Unit
Leading Evidence-Informed Improvement at Scale in Remote Rural Schools in England: Evaluation Findings - Toby M. Greany, University of Nottingham; Georgina Hudson, University of Nottingham
Using Continuous Quality Improvement to Support After-School STEAM Programming in California After-School Sites - Jared Boyce, SRI International; Andrea D. Beesley, Manhattan Strategy Group
As Improvers Tell It: Exploring Possibilities and Building New Realities With Improvement Science - Kelly McMahon, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; Barbara Shreve, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; Erika Nielsen Andrew, Carnegie Foundation
Coaching for Equity-Oriented Continuous Improvement - Erin Anderson, University of Denver; Samantha Davis, University of Denver
Power and Voice in RPPs (Research-Practice Partnerships): A Cross-National Study of RPP Meetings - Amanda L. Datnow, University of California - San Diego; Enikoe Zala Mezoe, Zurich University of Teacher Education; Nora Turriago, University of California - San Diego; Benjamin C. Kennedy, University of California - San Diego