Early Career Scholar Pre-Conference Seminar: Equity and Justice-Oriented Scholars Remaining Whole in the Academy (Invitation Only)
Wed, April 10, 1:00 to 7:00pm, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 303Session Type: Pre-Conference Mentoring Session
This interactive seminar will offer participants insights from equity-focused scholars who have successfully navigated the tenure and promotion processes while developing research, teaching, and service agendas that advance teaching and teacher education. Invited panelists will share strategies they employ to prioritize their well-being and remain whole as they navigate systems that are often in opposition to their epistemologies, ontologies, and purpose. This seminar offers participants an opportunity to dialogue, socialize, and share with other emerging scholars and facilitators with the goals of: 1) supporting early career equity- and justice-oriented teaching and teacher education scholars and 2) building community and equity-oriented professional networks within Division K.