Paper Summary

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Bearing Witness as Chicana/os/Latinxs in Pandemic Times: Fostering Community, Dignity, and Healing in Higher Learning

Sat, April 23, 11:30am to 1:00pm PDT (11:30am to 1:00pm PDT), San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B


A critical moment for Chicana/os/Latinxs is when someone important in our community passes; we bear witness to those who contributed to our development and individual and collective identity. However, bearing witness to a loved one’s departure was not feasible for many in 2020 with the novel coronavirus. In this paper, we offer a pastiche; a colcha of stories that weaves testimonios, pláticas, and images from two faculty and three doctoral students from one university in the Southwest that bear witness to the passing of important people in our lives. Through the legacy of our loved ones, we chronicle our shared experiences, inform future generations of children, teachers, leaders, and scholars of a public pedagogy birthed by living in Chicana/o/Latinx spaces.
