Paper Summary

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When Equity Triumphs Over Equality: Learning Experiences From a Remote, Multi-Site Video Study During COVID-19

Fri, April 22, 8:00 to 9:30am PDT (8:00 to 9:30am PDT), Division Virtual Rooms, Division D - Section 3: Qualitative Research Methods Virtual Paper Session Room


In an era of widespread remote research, finding avenues to improve participation equity is critical for including diverse voices in how educational contexts are studied through research. This remote video study, in primary schools across six countries, documents teaching practices that foster curiosity and creativity, which are needed to solve global challenges. A key aspect was ensuring equitable resource distribution to increase access to participation, which contrasts with equal resource distribution, which is not synonymous with equitable opportunities to participate. Consequently, researchers engaged participants at multiple levels, including equitable technology allocation and video collection in physical and virtual spaces. This paper highlights the affordances and challenges of our methodology that seeks to advance participation equity in remote educational research.
