Paper Summary

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Is Option B a Viable Plan B? School Counselors' Sensemaking of a Dual-Enrollment Policy in Georgia

Sat, April 23, 4:15 to 5:45pm PDT (4:15 to 5:45pm PDT), Division Virtual Rooms, Division J - Section 5: Policy, Finance, and Economics Virtual Roundtable Session Room


In this qualitative study, researchers employ sensemaking theory to examine how secondary school counselors make sense of “Option B,” a relatively new dual enrollment policy in Georgia that seeks to supplant traditional requirements for high school graduation with postsecondary CTAE credentials. Like other educational reform efforts, whether or not the desired outcomes of Option B come to fruition is dependent on the support of “street-level bureaucrats” who play an important role in implementing state policies within schools. Given the novelty of Option B as a postsecondary pathway, how school counselors make sense of the policy may determine its ultimate success or failure. Results suggest disagreement between policymakers and street-level bureaucrats regarding the extent of higher education expansion via Option B.
