Individual Submission Summary

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Critical Community Building in Action: A Triad of Faculty, Graduate and Undergraduate Students Working for Racial Justice

Thu, October 31, 1:45 to 3:15pm, Hyatt Regency, President


In response to this year’s conference call, ¡El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!, our paper considers what critical community building might look like among colleagues. In particular, we are a triad representing one teacher education faculty member, one doctoral student, and one undergraduate student. Using critical collaborative autoethnography, we analyze our journal reflections and dialogue to better understand our approaches to anti-racist teaching. We find value in this work due to its focus on collaboration across power dynamics (i.e. rank of professor, graduate, and undergraduate students) as well as our positionalities across womanhood based on race, ethnicity, class, able-bodiedness, and sexuality.
