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The globalization of the Third Temple Movement and the emergence of “Bnei Noah” (Children of Noah) communities

Mon, December 17, 3:00 to 4:30pm, Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center, Backbay 2 Complex


Has religious-Zionism created a new Judaic faith? My research tracks the emergence of global Bnei Noah (Children of Noah) communities; ex-evangelicals who are adopting variations of Jewish rituals and studying Torah under the guidance of religious-Zionist rabbis in Israel, a relationship which takes place almost entirely online. Noahides, as they call themselves, passionately support the Third Temple Movement and the idea of reviving a Jewish kingdom and theocracy in Israel. My paper will examine the evolution of Noahide theology, from the 18th century Rabbi Elijah Benamozegh to contemporary religious-Zionists rabbis, alongside ethnographic work tracking the transposition of the “Noahide” concept from rabbinic text to practice, in the form of actual faith communities with distinct Noahide rituals and prayers.

The ethnographic sections of my paper draw from recent fieldwork with Noahides in the American Southwest and in the Philippines; currently the world’s largest Noahide community with 15 synagogues on different islands. Noahides around the world have been taught that Jews and Noahides are separate categories of humanity, with unique roles to play in bringing messianic times. They believe that Jews are a racially and spiritually superior people, with an innate ability to access divinity and that Noahides, in the other hand, are destined to play a parallel and supportive role to the “chosen” Jewish nation.

For the rabbis who mentor Noahides online, the Noahides are an important sign that messianic times are rapidly approaching. These rabbis, largely members of Israel’s religious-Zionist demographic and supporters of the Third Temple Movement, believe that the messianic era begins with the establishment of a Jewish theocratic state in Israel, supported by communities of Noahides worldwide. Becoming a Noahide means playing a role in actualizing Jewish prophecy, which predicts the “return” of gentiles to a Noahide faith in the end of days.
