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Creation, Eternal Creation, or Eternity? Isaac Albalag on the Age of the World

Mon, December 17, 8:30 to 10:00am, Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center, Backbay 1 Complex


In his Sefer Tiqqun ha-deot, the Jewish Averroist Isaac Albalag (13th century) criticizes Maimonides for concealing the correct philosophical doctrines for the sake of religion, an approach that Albalag deems harmful to both religion and philosophy. Ironically, Albalag’s style is not completely removed from esotericism.

In his sefer Tiqqun ha-de‘ot, the Jewish Averroist Isaac Albalag (13th century) criticizes Maimonides for concealing the correct philosophical doctrines for the sake of religion, an approach that Albalag deems harmful to both religion and philosophy. Ironically, Albalag’s style is not completely removed from esotericism.

I argue that the Tiqqun is a multilevel text that includes rhetorical, dialectical and demonstrative arguments regarding the age of world. Whereas Albalag labels the theory of eternal creation as “the true doctrine of the philosophers,” this theory does not represent Albalag’s actual position. Albalag is a naturalist philosopher. Nature lies at the ground of his philosophy and also stands as the yardstick for truth. The natural world, as Albalag perceives it, is characterized by or motion. By analyzing Albalag’s view regarding the cause of motion in the world, it shall become clear that, in view of scientific truth, the world is eternal per se.
