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Digitization of musical sounds in Yiddish: legacy recordings on phono cylinders from An-sky's and Beregovsky's expeditions in Ukraine in 1912-1947 and their importance today

Wed, December 16, 2:15 to 3:30pm


I had the privilege to work with unique phono recordings from the An-sky and Beregovsky's archives when I was a librarian and research associate at the Vernadsky Natipnal Library of Ukraine in the 1990s-early 2000s. The uniquely large scope of materials -- over 1,000 phono cylinders, thousands of pages with textual and musical transcriptions, personal archives of the most prominent musical personalities who contributed to collecting -- represents a unique possibility for a lifetime of exploration and research. In my presentation I will cover a history of collection, its structure, lead the audience through its major highlights and accomplishments up to date, and discuss digitization, dissemination and access to the collection in nowadays and in the future.
