Session Submission Summary

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What Do We Need to Learn About Primary Elections?

Fri, August 31, 10:00 to 11:30am, Marriott, Exeter

Session Submission Type: Roundtable

Session Description

What direction should research on primary elections take during the next decade? What are the major unanswered questions about primaries? Participants in this panel will present their thoughts on their own work and on what the research agenda regarding nonpresidential primary elections should be. Topics include the effects of different primary types and voting rules; how changes in party polarization and campaign finance laws affect primaries; and how party organizations have sought to establish greater control over primaries. The participants will devote particular attention to strategies for data gathering on primaries. In addition to the formal presenters, others invited to participate informally include Ray La Raja (University of Massachusetts), Paul Herrnson (University of Connecticut), Vin Moscardelli (University of Connecticut), Barbara Norrander (University of Arizona), Casey Dominguez (University of San Diego), and Hans Hassell (Cornell College).

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