Session Submission Summary

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Party Vote-Seeking Strategies: Issue Emphasis and Valence Characteristics

Fri, August 31, 8:00 to 9:30am, Marriott, Salon C

Session Submission Type: Full Paper Panel

Session Description

This panel brings together diverse studies of party strategies with regard to electoral campaigning. Presentations will address both the effectiveness of various programmatic appeals and valence attacks as well as factors that determine the choice of certain campaigning strategies. The authors of two of the papers make use of a newly created dataset from the Comparative Campaign Dynamics Project (Debus, Somer-Topcu & Tavits 2015), while the others utilize data from recent surveys conducted among party members and the electorate. The panel allows for an exploration of some of the crucial dimensions of electoral campaigning from varying perspectives. It will also make it possible to understand the significance of what can be found in the appeals that parties tend to make at various stages of the campaign, and how these actions are perceived by party members and voters alike.

Sub Unit

Individual Presentations

