Session Submission Summary

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Democratic Breakdown and Erosion: The Role of Political Parties and Elections

Fri, August 30, 8:00 to 9:30am, Hilton, Columbia 3

Session Submission Type: Full Paper Panel

Session Description

Democratic breakdown and erosion emerge as key challenge of the 21st century. By now, democratization is being reversed in a range of countries across the globe including Turkey, Hungary, Poland and Brazil. This panel explores the role of political parties, elections and other institutions for democratic breakdown and erosion. Frantz, Kendall-Taylor and Wright investigate how personalist political parties contribute to democratic breakdown. Relatedly, Casal Bertoa, Enyedi and Molder address the role of political party system stability for democracy in Europe. Medzihorsky, Lührmann and Lindberg study under which conditions elections may contribute to autocratization. Maxwell, Wilson and Lindberg assess how the process of liberalization shapes the potential of democratization success or failure.

Sub Unit

Individual Presentations

