Individual Submission Summary

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Complementarity, Independence and Coercive Isomorphism? UK Refugee NGOs Negotiate the Advantages/Disadvantages of Government Funding

Sat, August 16, 4:30 to 5:30pm, TBA


This paper explores the tensions surrounding the delivery of the Assisted Voluntary Return Programme (AVR) for refused asylum seekers and irregular migrants in the UK. This programme is managed by Refugee Action, a refugee NGO. Using Refugee Action to deliver this specific grant aimed at returning individuals to their ‘home’ country is a relatively recent and controversial way of working. The paper explores NGO-Government relationships in terms of collaboration, complementarity and co-option.. This paper also explores whether receiving funding to deliver government services inevitably impacts on the independence of NGOs? By using empirical research we challenge assumptions found in the literature that such relationships contributes to a restricted capacity to lobby against the government or does it lead NGOs to a more influential way of working with the government in the form of an enhanced 'behind closed doors' advocacy?
