Individual Submission Summary

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Pushing the Boundaries: Queer Immigrant Women in Leadership

Sun, August 17, 12:30 to 1:30pm, TBA


Recent influx of immigrants marks a demographic shift. However, a large part of the scholarly dialogue focuses on working-age immigrants who represent the back-bone of our American economy. This ethnographic research takes the conversation in a new direction by focusing on queer undocumented young women at the head of an immigrant youth-led organization in Chicago. Employing three analytic frames from Garfinkel, Anzaldua, and Foucault, specifically, the public ceremonies of degradation, third spaces, and power as a tug of war, this research captures how these women's social location as queer and undocumented shapes their organizing strategies and presents the ways in which their organizing efforts contribute to the analytic frames from the aforementioned scholars.
