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Threatened Professions: Negotiating Professional Change and Identity

Sat, August 16, 4:30 to 5:30pm, TBA


Professions enjoy great authority. Categorical boundaries, demarking what is legitimate and illegitimate, are an important part in the maintenance of this authority. In this paper, I examine two physician professions in which attempts have been made to break through a rigid categorical boundary—the notion that legitimate medical education cannot be provided by a for-profit organization. One is a case of success while the other is one of failure. I find that the status of the two professions was a key factor in how each profession responded to a categorical boundary challenge. Moreover, while high-status and low-status groups have been found to be more likely to partake in unconventional activities, this paper shows how the conformist actions of middle-status groups can also sometimes result in legitimacy-and-status-endangering unconventional activities.
