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What Makes Unions Strong? An Organizational Perspective on Examining Union Power

Sat, August 16, 4:30 to 5:30pm, TBA


Janitors have made unprecedented gains since their first strike in L.A, 1990. Even in the midst of these challenging circumstances, the janitors’ union made a significant breakthrough. This paper is to find out what organizational characteristics of unions make this movement strong. Based on Emerson’s network theory(1962), I suggest two axes: dependence and cohesion. First, dependence indicates how much unions control the supply of workers and make an employer dependent on them. If a union has high dependence, a union will have higher bargaining power on the negotiation table. Second, cohesion indicates how much workers interact with others in the group. If a union is highly cohesive, it will make more workers participate in the strike. In order to examine these hypotheses, I bring four case studies to examine them. This study reveals why some unions are strong with an organizational perspective which includes employers, unions and workers.
