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Panethnicity as an Outcome of Symbolic Domination

Tue, August 23, 12:30 to 1:30pm, TBA


In this article, I questioned the applicability of the concept of symbolic domination to the formation of panethnicities in the United States. I examined the case of white panethnicity because exploring the dominant group is the most appropriate way to understand power relations and to observe the effects of symbolic power, a concept which refers to being in the position that can ascribe value to certain features or characteristics. As we observed both in the formation of white panethnicity and the groups that are formed based on their relative distance from white panethnicity, the theory of symbolic domination may be used as a complementary instrument to existing theories of race and ethnicity or panethnicity formation. We can say that the concept of symbolic power is a powerful tool to inquire panethnic identity formation.
