Individual Submission Summary

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Do "Style Makeovers" Help Poor Women?: The Embodied Disadvantages of Gender, Race, Class & Body Size

Mon, August 22, 8:30 to 10:10am, TBA


What social and material barriers prevent disadvantaged women from entering the labor market? Drawing on 13 months of participant observation at a nonprofit organization aiming to help unemployed poor women through “style advice” and second-hand business attire, I examine the process through which volunteer "personal stylists" discursively train disadvantaged women to become successful aesthetic laborers, at least for the job interview. I find that nonprofit staff and volunteers – acting as “taste brokers” – distribute professional attire and services unevenly across their clients, such that gendered inequalities across race, class, and body size are reinforced rather than disrupted.

Keywords: aesthetic labor, gender, intersectionality, unemployment, embodiment, taste brokers
