Individual Submission Summary

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Theoretical Developments on ‘Memory’ and ‘Identity’: An Integration between Mead and Halbwachs

Sat, August 12, 8:30 to 9:30am, Palais des congrès de Montréal, Floor: Level 5, 517C


Our aim is to explore theoretically the relation between memory and identity, approaching the intersection between two theories that have collectivist orientations: Maurice Halbwachs´ theory of memory and the George H Mead´s reflection about identity. At the beginning, we show how memory and identity are co-dependent phenomena. We then show a) how Halbwachs explains the formation of individual memory based on the collectivity and b) how Mead explains the formation of identity also based on collectivity. In the end, we show how both explanations could benefit from the other based on their convergent collectivist approach.
