Individual Submission Summary

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My Autism Mommy Work: Community-based Carework and Embodied Health Social Movements

Sat, August 12, 2:30 to 3:30pm, Palais des congrès de Montréal, Floor: Level 5, 517B


Drawing on fifty in-depth semi-structured interviews with primary caregivers of children diagnosed with autism, I detail how autism carework expands beyond the home and family to include extensive community-based advocacy interventions, such as public health campaigning and fighting for educational reforms. In doing so, this paper considers autism caregivers as key agents, and advocacy carework as an important ground, in embodied health social movements (EHSMs). Specifically, this paper aims to: 1) advance the literature on advocacy carework and embodied health social movements, using the empirical case of autism, while 2) highlighting the tensions within the caregiver community, which helps to understand important limits for EHSMs.
