Individual Submission Summary

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Schema Generalization: The Welfare State Enhances Tolerance of Homosexuality

Sun, August 13, 8:30 to 10:10am, Palais des congrès de Montréal, Floor: Level 5, 520B


Prior research has documented individual-level differences in attitudes towards homosexuality and, net of those, some cross-national differences. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that socioeconomic development enhances tolerance. This paper follows up hints in recent research to explore an additional dimension of international variation: It tests the hypothesis that tolerance of homosexuality is significantly higher among citizens of Welfare States than among their peers in market-oriented societies, net of social composition and net of socioeconomic development. The data support the hypothesis. We interpret this effect as a particular example of the penumbra of the Welfare State. We argue that the key assumption justifying the founding of the Welfare State, embedded thereafter in the institutions of everyday life -- that individuals cannot be held responsible for their economic situation and hence risk-sharing and social responsibility are called for - generalizes into a high-level schema that then ramifies through other attitude and value domains. Data are from the 2008 ISSP Religion Survey and from the World Values Survey. Methods: Multilevel models.
