Individual Submission Summary

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Seeking Western Men: The Case of China’s Email-Order Brides

Sat, August 11, 4:30 to 6:10pm, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin Hall 3


This article examines the life histories and decision-making processes of Chinese women who seek marriages with Western men through transnational cyber-dating agencies. In particular, I focus on the experiences of middle-aged women, who are often called China’s “unlucky generation.” As traditional gender ideologies emphasizing feminine youth become rejuvenated in post-reform China, many middle-aged women now face disadvantages in both the marriage and labor markets. Through 17 months of ethnography at three different transnational cyber-dating agencies in southern China, I explore how these cultural and structural changes facilitated women’s shared desire to marry foreign men. At the same time, I also analyze how differences in the women’s individual class background led them to develop vastly different mate-selection strategies, despite their shared nationality. Through the unique window of transnational cyber-dating, this article delineates how age, gender, class, and national culture intersect to construct various inequalities, which in turn shape new patterns of marriage and migration across borders.
